
Is DeSnake Dead? 2FA Bug Made Some Turbulence! 

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6 years ago the FBI announced that Alphabay had been taken down. Alexandre Cazes, mastermind of the Alphabay, was also taken down. In fact, Thai police caught him in Bangkok.

Most people confuse DeSnake with Cazes. In reality, both are different. 

The Alphabay had two admins, Cazes and DeSnake. As far as Cazes is concerned, it looks like he’s not alive anymore. 

And if we talk about DeSnake, it’s way more complicated than you think. Just keep reading and you’ll have your answers. 

What’s the Fuss About 2FA Bug? 

A few Redditors have been worried about the 2FA bug. I read somewhere DeSnake needs to update the canary. In fact, in one of his last announcements he mentioned he would update it in 48 hours but he never came back after 1st January. 

So users who are experiencing the same issue wonder if he’s dead or not. 

And now the marketplace itself is gone. It’s not active, so it’s even tougher to find out if DeSnake is dead. However, there are some things you should know. 

What happened to Alexxandre Cazes? 

You must be wondering, is Alexandre Cazes still alive right? Well, he hanged himself to death in one of his cells. And as per reports, there’s no proof that shows he hanged himself, some people think it might be a murder too. Reason being, Cazes was trying to meet his attorney to discuss extradition before leaving this world. 

There’s no man on earth who wants extradition and suicide at the same time. But still, we don’t know what exactly happened to him. All we know is that he’s dead now. 

What happened to DeSnake? 

As we see things now, DeSnake is the 2nd admin. No one knows who’s behind the DeSnake mask. There are chances Alexandre would’ve been acting as DeSnake. 

Administrators might come and go, I think DeSnake will always be there because it looks like a permanent alias. 

I don’t know if DeSnake is dead or not, it’s very much unclear because 2 months ago a guy posted something like this on Reddit: 

is desnake dead?

I don’t know if he’s trying to get attention or if he really means something. If he really has contacts, being optimistic means Alphabay might come back soon and nothing has happened to DeSnake. The current guy behind DeSnake is not dead yet! 

What Can We Do Now? 

At this point we can either switch to other marketplaces or wait for it. If you want to check if the marketplace is live or not, you can try this Alphabay link. 

Just in case you want to try an alternative, here’s a list of darknet marketplaces that you can check out.